Saturday, January 25, 2020
Causes and Effects of Child Poverty in Britain
Causes and Effects of Child Poverty in Britain TAQ 1: TOPIC: CHILD POVERTY IN BRITAIN: THE CAUSES AND THE EFFECTS. TAQ 2: TOPIC: CHILD POVERTY IN BRITAIN: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES AND THE EFFECTS. The aim of this essay is to discuss and analyse the causes and effects of child poverty in Britain. It will start by giving a definition of child poverty, explaining and analysing the causes and effects of child poverty distinguishing between fact and opinion, looking into the severity of the effects of child poverty and lastly, suggesting ways with which this menace can be dealt with. According to According to the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF 2006) children living in poverty are those who experience deprivation of the material, spiritual and emotional resources needed to survive, develop and thrive, leaving them unable to enjoy their rights, achieve their full potential or participate as full and equal members of society. The Christian Children Fund (CCF) definition is based on Deprivation (lack of essential conditions and services needed for the development of a childââ¬â¢s full potential), exclusion (denial of rights, dignity and voice as a result of prejudiced processes) and vulnerability (incapability of society to handle deal with threats to children in their environment). Children living in poverty are as a result of being born to poor parent(s) who are poor as a result of various reasons such as unemployment or low paid jobs, lack of education, government policies, disabilities and discrimination. When a parent lacks the required resources such as a regular disposable income to bring up a child, that childââ¬â¢s well-being is restricted. Other causes of child poverty includes teen pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, increase in number of single parents (a child raised by a single parent is more likely to live in poverty than that raised by a couple) and insufficient benefits (CPAG 2015). In United Kingdom, the benefits system is in place to act as a safety barrier for people who are out of work or earn insufficient amount of money. The reality is that these benefits are hardly ever enough to cater for the needs of these people thereby affecting their families, leaving them to live below the poverty line (CPAG 2015). The effects of child poverty are not far fetching. This menace damages a child in all aspects- physically, socially, emotionally. A child living in poverty is prone to ill-health, low attainment in life, low morale and a feeling of rejection. These can give rise to anti-social behaviours which will in turn affect the society. According to Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG 2015), it was reported that child poverty costs the United Kingdom at least à £29 billion pounds each year, à £20. 5 billion of which is a direct cost to the government due to the additional demands for services and benefits. To effectively curb this issue, there has to be a collective effort from both the government and her people. The government has to provide profitable jobs with excellent incentives to motivate people to work; better benefits structure, where benefits received is not too much to discourage work and at the same time not too low in which case they are found living below the poverty line. REFERENCES AND BIBLOGRAPHY Child Poverty Action Group. 2015. Child poverty facts and figures. [Online] Child Poverty Action Group. Available at: <> [Assessed 16 February 2015]. Enrique, et al. 2006. Children living in poverty: Overview of definitions, measurements and policy. [Pdf] New York: United Nations Childrenââ¬â¢s Fund. Available at: <> [Assessed 16 February 2015]. TAQ 3: CHILD POVERTY IN BRITAIN: WHY YOU SHOULD ACT. Child poverty in Britain is a phenomenon that should be addressed by everyone whether an individual is being classed as middle class citizen or not as it affects the whole society in the long run. Having read through a few articles on child poverty, interesting facts and figures has made me both curious and emotional. According to the Child Poverty Action Groupââ¬â¢s write up (CPAG 2015) which I read online, there are currently 3.5 million children living in poverty in the United Kingdom, thatââ¬â¢s a ratio of more than one in four. These kids live in deplorable conditions, often left cold and hungry, unable to play and have fun with friends or even go on school trips. All these situations affect them in the long term. The CPAG blog also reported that by the age of sixteen, children receiving free meals at school achieve 1.7 grades lower at GCSE than their wealthier peers; they leave school with lower qualifications which in turn lead to lower earnings over the course of a work ing life time and it has also been projected that 4.7 million children will be living in poverty by 2020. I personally find these figures appalling and saddening and I believe that while the government has a responsibility to her people, companies and individual members of the society all have a role to play if we are to tackle this issue effectively. Increases in the number of single mothers or parent, unplanned pregnancies, teenage pregnancies are some of the underlying causes of child poverty. Teenagers (kids who think they are adults and matured enough to make major decisions, feel it is their God- given right to be rebellious and can hardly take care of themselves) should not be having children. These teenagers need to be sexually educated, encouraged to get involved in profitable activities that will open their minds and expand their horizons so they can tap into their full potential. This is not to say that sometimes these kids would not derail from the right path. This is where having a strong family unit comes into play. If and when they do, they need to be supported emotionally, physically, financially especially by family. Companies (minor, major, multi- national) should also be involved. These companies should have a social responsibility to the community in which they are operating. Having support groups, organising campaigns, making regular donations in cash and in kind and creating awareness will suffice. The government should not be less concerned. She has a duty to provide basic amenities, profitable jobs and benefits structure that will motivate and inspire her people. Children are gifts that should be cherished. They should not be born to suffer and live in poverty. They need to be nurtured in love because they are after all- OUR future.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Anti Obama Care Persuasive Speech
On July 25th President Obama paid a visit to the town of Jacksonville, Florida home to a large percentage of goods imported and exported that helps fuel the economy. The purpose of his visit was to indoctrinate the principle of Obama Care. In his speech the president informed the public of an agglomeration of ideas as to why Obama Care will help the economy. And like most of his ideas it requires more spending and a bigger wage for the federal government.As most hardworking Americans know the government does like to take its eye off the financial difficulties of the middle class. But in reality the most devastating impact on the economy is the future existence of Obama Care. When Obama care is put into use this will require every American to have health insurance. And if not they will have to pay 90$ a month or up to 1% of their salary. Mr. President with unemployment at 7. 6% how is it constitutional to force millions of Americans to pay for insurance they simply cannot afford? The answer is itââ¬â¢s not.The Obamacare law mandates that individuals must maintain healthà insurance coverage for themselves and their dependents or pay a penalty. Similarly, it requires employers with 50 or more fullà time workers to provide those workers with healthà insurance coverage. When obama was sworn into office he took and oath that stated ââ¬Å"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United Statesââ¬
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Lynette Woodard of the Harlem Globetrotters
Lynette Woodard learned to play basketball in her childhood, and one of her heroes was her cousin Hubie Ausbie, known as Geese, who played with the Harlem Globetrotters. Woodards family and background: Born in: Wichita, Kansas on August 12, 1959.Mother: Dorothy, homemaker.Father: Lugene, fireman.Siblings: Lynette Woodard was the youngest of four siblings.Cousin: Hubie Geese Ausbie, player with the Harlem Globetrotters 1960-1984. High School Phenom and Olympian Lynette Woodard played varsity womens basketball in high school, achieving many records and helping to win two consecutive state championships. She then played for Lady Jayhawks at the University of Kansas, where she broke the NCAA womens record, with 3,649 points in four years and a 26.3 point per game average. The University retired her jersey number when she graduated, the first student so honored. In 1978 and 1979, Lynette Woodard traveled in Asia and Russia as part of national womens basketball teams. She tried out for and won a spot on the 1980 Olympic womens basketball team, but that year, the United States protested the Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan by boycotting the Olympics. She tried out for and was selected for the 1984 team, and was co-captain of the team as it won the gold medal. Woodards National and International Medals : Gold Medal: U.S. national team, World University Games, 1979.Gold Medal: U.S. national team, Pan-American Games, 1983.Silver Medal: U.S. national team, World Championships, 1983.Gold Medal: Los Angeles Olympics womens basketball team (co-captain), 1984.Gold Medal: U.S. national team, World Championships, 1990.Bronze Medal: U.S. national team, Pan-American Games, 1991. College and Professional Life Between the two Olympics, Woodard graduated from college, then played basketball in an industrial league in Italy. She worked briefly in 1982 at the University of Kansas. After the 1984 Olympics, she took a job at the University of Kansas with the womens basketball program. Woodards Education: Wichita North High School, varsity womens basketball.University of Kansas.B.A., 1981, speech communications and human relations.Basketball coach Marian Washington.Twice named academic All-American and four times named athletic All-American.Ranked first or second in the nation in steals, scoring, or rebounding each year. Woodard saw no opportunity to play basketball professionally in the United States. After considering her next step after college, called her cousin Geese Ausbie, wondering if the famed Harlem Globetrotters might consider a woman player. Within weeks, she received word that the Harlem Globetrotters were looking for a woman, the first woman to play for the team ââ¬â and their hope to improve attendance. She won the difficult competition for the spot, though she was the oldest woman competing for the honor, and joined the team in 1985, playing on an equal basis with the men on the team through 1987. She returned to Italy and played there 1987-1989, with her team winning the national championship in 1990. In 1990, she joined a Japanese league, playing for Daiwa Securities, and helping her team win a division championship in 1992. In 1993-1995 was an athletic director for the Kansas City School District. She also played for the U.S. national teams that won the 1990 World Championships gold medal and the 1991 Pan-American Games bronze. In 1995, she retired from basketball to become a stockbroker in New York. In 1996, Woodard served on the Olympic Committees board. Woodards Honors and Achievements: All-American High School Team, womens basketball.All-American high school athlete, 1977.Wade Trophy, 1981 (best woman basketball player in U.S.)Big Eight Tournament Most Valuable Player (MVP) (three years).NCAA Top V Award, 1982.Womens Sports Foundation Flo Hyman Award, 1993.Legends ring, Harlem Globetrotters, 1995.Sports Illustrated for Women, 100 Greatest Women Athletes, 1999.Basketball Hall of Fame, 2002 and 2004.Womens Basketball Hall of Fame, 2005. Woodard's Continued Career Woodards retirement from basketball didnt last long. In 1997, she joined the new Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA), playing with the Cleveland Rockers and then the Detroit Shock, while maintaining her stockbroker position on Wall Street. After her second season she retired again, returning to the University of Kansas where, among her responsibilities, she was an assistant coach with her old team, the Lady Jayhawks, serving as interim head coach in 2004. She was named one of Sports Illustrateds hundred greatest women athletes in 1999. In 2005, Lynette Woodard was inducted into the Womens Basketball Hall of Fame.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Risk Perceptions of Texting and Driving - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1026 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Texting and Driving Essay Did you like this example? Now day in age many millennials dont consider the risks of texting and driving, in fact not many people consider the risks of texting and driving. Statistics compiled in recent years show that every day in the U.S., 9 people die and over 1,153 are injured in distracted driver crashes. Many people use their phones while driving, and dont think its a big deal, and who knows what the future looks like in the near future when many children are getting iphones and smartphones at younger ages who knows how often theyll be using their phones while driving if they are starting to get phones at a younger age and develop addictions for them. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Risk Perceptions of Texting and Driving" essay for you Create order According to an article on psychology today, 40% of the United States population are addicted to their smartphones. In the future phones are only going to continuously get more and more advanced causing more people to get them and use them while driving. One cannot emphasize enough how important it is for other humans to not use any cellular device while driving. Texting and driving can have similar impairments to drinking and driving, according to the National Highway and Transportation Administration both can have results that can result in following too closely, weaving into oncoming traffic, or not being able to brake on time. Many young teenagers who first get their license tend to make a big mistake and thats picking up the phone to text while driving. Picking up the phone to text can be ones first major mistake that can also be fatal. How important is a text to a lot of people if they are willing to risk their lives and the lives of others around them by texting and driving. Is one text really worth putting multiple people at risk just because one cant wait to see what a text they received said, simply due to the fact someone feels like they must respond to a text immediately is why many of the accidents occur and a quantity amount of the time this leads to a vehicular accidents that can result in deaths. The biggest age group affected by this problem would have to be teens aging from 16 up to adults aging around 30. In the end, no one benefits from this problem other than the law enforcement team who has worked so hard to stress the importance of no texting while driving and funeral homes that are bein g paid for burial expenses. Many teens who die from texting and driving are in High School, Imagine if while in High School hearing on the announcements one of your classmates died. Many High School students nowadays have to hear that on the announcements because their fellow classmates werent able to resist the temptation of being on their phone while driving. According to Goldsborough the human mind is not capable of texting and driving (Goldsborough). Similarly Cox confirms driving is a one mind chore (Cox). If the human mind is not capable of being able to text and drive at the same time since its such a fast paced thing to do while driving. The reason it will be so hard to make texting and driving illegal in every state is because officers will have to check the logs on the persons phone they pulled over to see if they were actually texting and driving, or maybe they were just getting off a phone call with a close relative. As soon as an officer has the right to check the log of someones phone they pulled over the law will start to see some issues with privacy. This issue is very important to me because it affects my generation primarily. The most number of fatal crashes that occur due to distracted driving affect young adults more than any other age group. The reason for this is that our generation is the technologically advanced generation. Everyone seems to have an iPhone or a laptop or an iPod these days, even young children. These advances have become so deeply rooted in our society one cannot seem to go a single day without their phone or laptop or other electronic devices. People are constantly going on the Internet and checking their phones whether it is to text someone or post a status update or a picture. Personally this issue not only affects my generation, it hits close to home as well. The color red in the image above represents death or danger. The reason that is believed is because in the picture one can see a text on the phone that says Lol then the text in red reads texting and driving is not funny. No matter how important a text might seem it isnt worth risking the lives of those around us. Remember that a text can always wait, but can those who have a phone always take that into consideration? Distracted driving has gotten way out of hand. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5,474 people were killed due to distracted driving crashes and that 448,000 were injured (Texting While Driving). These figures are horrifying. Even just sending a quick text message or checking your phone can be very dangerous. Justin McNaul, director of state relations for the American Automobile Association stated, Even taking your eyes off the road for two seconds doubles your chances of being in a crash (qtd. In Cell Phones). Why would you risk your life, the people you love, and strangers lives? Waiting to text your friend about the super cool dress you got can wait until you are safely out of your car. Remember, a crash resulting from texting and driving can happen to anyone. Distracted driving is something that should not be taken lightly when many young teens are losing their lives due to the fact that many of them dont have the self control to avoid looking at their phone while driving, but it isnt just teens who do this many adults in this day of age use their phones while driving as well. The dangers of texting and driving cant be emphasized enough when many people continuously lose their lives due to one poor decision.
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